Flash, ie, edge, chrome and any other browsers are all listed in options>cookies. if you click one of the cookies in that section, of those that you question I mean, what icon is shown at the bottom of ccleaner?
I'm not sure I understand the last part of your last post. I see in your image that the cookie was removed but your claim is that the cookie, which was created in private browser which Firefox may keep in a separate place and thus (as evidenced by your description of firefox not seeing it) doesn't list it.
Ok it looks like it's deleting a cookie tied to your adblocker addon so this is what you need to do.
I would add to cookies to keep list
Also it says the items are removed when you run analyze but they aren't, that's been a ccleaner bug for a long time.
I'd note that that I have 26 cookies ccleaner finds and Firefox doesn't show in "show cookies". It looks like they are all related to addons or firefox itself and recreate at next Firefox start
Thanks again. The behavior you describe never happened on my machine. It's new.
You're misreading ccleaner's mistake of saying "removed" on analysis and removal for it telling you that the cookie was removed from Firefox by Firefox. The removed is an incorrect way of ccleaner saying "to be removed after anaylsis" that word should be ignored.
I would need to see examples of non-addon cookies that, after Firefox's clear cookies has been run, still show up in ccleaner to change my understanding of what the issue is here. Because I can easily recreate your issue on my machine and only see addon cookies that match this situation
You're misreading ccleaner's mistake of saying "removed" on analysis and removal for it telling you that the cookie was removed from Firefox by Firefox. The removed is an incorrect way of ccleaner saying "to be removed after anaylsis" that word should be ignored.
This is an intersting explanation.
I've been using CCleaner for years and never encountered this behavior.
I'll post again when some more cookies are added to CCleaner's list.