Firefox app data folder.

Hi there.

I was wondering if there is any reason for checking the whole firefox app data folder

on startup of CCleaner. Every single subdirectory and file!

I have many extensions installed and my Scrapbook has over 2000 folders,

because I surf around and save articles very often. This leads to excess stress of my

hard drive and over 2 minutes of loading for CCleaner. Previous versions didn't have

this "problem".

I hope that you'll change this behavior in a future version.

Best regards.

Hi there.

I was wondering if there is any reason for checking the whole firefox app data folder

on startup of CCleaner. Every single subdirectory and file!

I have many extensions installed and my Scrapbook has over 2000 folders,

because I surf around and save articles very often. This leads to excess stress of my

hard drive and over 2 minutes of loading for CCleaner. Previous versions didn't have

this "problem".

I hope that you'll change this behavior in a future version.

Best regards.

Hello madouros,

Welcome to the forum!!!

You might want to use the Options > Exclude feature .Remember to turn on the Custom files and folders option at Cleaner > Advanced options.

Put this in your Scrapbook also.It will help explain the Include/Exclude feature.

Different strokes for different folks.At least you'll never be bored if the net goes down again.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

Well, you know I did tried this. But it had no effect.

CCleaner kept scanning all these folders on startup.

Check this if you want with procmon (Process Monitor).