as you can see from my attached screenshot, Defraggler has an error with the finnish translation. "Pys?yt?"-word is repeated twice, when the one with the orange circle around itself should say "Keskeyt?" as if it meant to "Terminate". "Pys?yt?" translates to "Stop" in general, so I think a better solution for the first "Pys?yt?" would be to use "Tauko", which wouldn't cause any misunderstandings since it translates to "Pause" directly (not as a verb, but as a noun. Even still it's better solution than the current "Pys?yt?").
- Orange-circled "Pys?yt?" -> "Keskeyt?"
- The other "Pys?yt?" -> "Tauko"
EDIT: This happens with v2.02.253 (64-bit) Defraggler. My OS is Win7 64-bit.