Most ever Windows Updates on Patch Tuesday coming up
Most ever Windows Updates on Patch Tuesday coming up
Wow! It's scary knowing that until Tuesday, our machines have that many critical security holes that are vulnerable and unpatched.
Windows 7 & SP1
That's the only one that looks like it affects me.
About the only patch missing is for the kitchen sink. It will seem like a miniature service pack when downloading.
How dorky does it make you when you actually look forward to Patch Tuesday?
How dorky does it make you when you actually look forward to Patch Tuesday?
My parent's didn't even believe me when I called it patch tuesday initially. They thought it was nerd psedujargon
How dorky does it make you when you actually look forward to Patch Tuesday?
I saw a test for dorkism somewhere on line, but was afraid to take it.
How dorky does it make you when you actually look forward to Patch Tuesday?
Dunno but I always remember Patch Tuesday. I'm thinking it should be printed on calenders now!
I'm thinking it should be printed on calenders now!
LOL embedded (undeletable) in every Outlook Calendar
LOL embedded (undeletable) in every Outlook Calendar
Anything undeletable is not out of reach from a Patch Tuesday gone Wild ! ! !
I have good cause to fear Security Patches more than the zero day exploits/vulnerabilities they try to patch over
Just got 14 brand spanking new patches for wxp home.
Just got 14 brand spanking new patches for wxp home.
18 here, for W7 as well as Office 2010 and .NET (and MS's malicious software removal tool).
New record!