Finding & deleting folders (and contents) with certain name

In maintaining our photo album I used Corel Paint Shop Pro to edit photos. It has a feature which, when enabled, automatically creates a sub-folder called "Corel Auto-Preserve" and puts a copy of any original photo (jpg or bmp) that was edited in any way. As a result I have 100s of these sub-folders littered amongst maybe a thousand photo album folders.

Can I use CCleaner to find and delete all these back-up sub-folders? Any advice would be deeply appreciated!

If I have posted this request for help in the wrong forum/discussion, please let me know where I should have posted it.



If everything is stored in the one main folder you mention "Corel Auto-Preserve", you can very easily have CCleaner remove the contents of what's inside including all sub-folders by inputting an 'Include' for 'Custom Files and Folders'.

See here to learn how:

Thanks! But there is no main folder 'Corel Auto-Preserve'. Whatever folder an image file is in, if I edited it using Corel PSP, a subfolder was created, and a copy of the original file was copied to it. So there might be a 100 different subfolders all named 'Corel Auto-Preserve'. I want to find all of them and delete them, including all their contents.

i have found a few sites, perhaps it helps you for your subfolder-stuff...

i think you can set these options like you want... :-)

1 Choose File Preferences General Program Preferences.
2 From the left pane, choose Auto-Preserve.
3 Mark the Enable Auto-Preserve check box.
4 Click OK.
Do the following
Create copies of original images automatically when you first save them
In the dialog box that appears after you click Save, choose Yes - Do this every time. The original (unedited) image is copied to a Corel Auto-Preserve subfolder, which is automatically created within the folder in which you are saving the image.

in this case i mean andavari have the right way with corel uses a specific save-place for edited photos and pics... if you let corel show you the path you can take this into ccleaner ;-)

That's a good idea! For now, I have simply turned Auto-Preserve' OFF.


On 19/03/2019 at 12:40, FastArt said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Thanks! But there is no main folder 'Corel Auto-Preserve'.  Whatever folder an image file is in, if I edited it using Corel PSP, a subfolder was created, and a copy of the original file was copied to it. So there might be a 100 different subfolders all named 'Corel Auto-Preserve'. I want to find all of them and delete them, including all their contents.

I know this is a year old thread but I just found it as I was pounding my head against brick wall trying to figure out how to do the same thing. I got it done.

First, the Corel Auto-Preserve folders are hidden, so you have to remove the hidden attribute. To do that, open up a file window for the highest level directory that contains all your PSP photo files and the auto preserve folders you want to delete. In the file window do a search for Corel Auto-Protect. All the folders should show up. Select all the folders, right click on them and then click on Properties. Uncheck the hidden attribute and then click on OK. A dialog will pop up. Make sure the choice to apply to file and folders is selected and then click on OK. This removes the hidden attribute from all the directories. In the file window select all the folders, right click, and click on delete. They should all be gone in a flash!