
i run ccleaner and then 1/2 hr. later i run it again and i have thousands more files and i haven't even been on the computer can anyone tell me what's going on?

We need more info than that in order to help you.

What operating system are you using?

What build of CCleaner are you using?

Are you talking about the 'ordinary' clean or a registry clean?

What type of files were they mainly that you could see listed in the scan?

windows 7,ccleaner 4.13,ordinary clean and as for the files i really don't know what kind,can something be running in the back gound to create these files?

Can you do an Analyse and provide a screenshot?

never done that before is it hard?

instead on hitting the run Cleaner button, hit the Analyse one instead.

let it complete and when done it will show a summary of all the crap it found.

doubling clicking on any of the entries will expand the results and show all the files in question.

then take a screen shot, I use Snipping Tool myself, it's already built into Windows Vista and above.

hitting the Print Screen button also takes a shot of the active window.

If you feel daunted using screenshots, you can also post just the summary of the results using spoiler tags.

After analyzing, right-click and Save to text file....

Open the file and place the spoiler tags at the top and foot of the summary text like so kGmj5zd.png Copy and paste tags and summary into reply.

The result will look like this . .

ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (0.741 secs)


101.3 MB to be removed. (Approximate size)

Secure file deletion enabled - Simple Overwrite (1 pass)


Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)


Internet Explorer - Temporary Internet Files 1 KB 1 files 0.005 secs

Internet Explorer - History 48 KB 2 files 0.002 secs

Internet Explorer - Index.dat files 16 KB 1 files 0.002 secs

Windows Explorer - Recent Documents 65 KB 21 files 0.002 secs

System - Temporary Files 119 KB 3 files 0.007 secs

Firefox - Internet Cache 13,993 KB 43 files 0.026 secs

Firefox - Internet History 36 KB 1 files 0.020 secs

Utilities - Avast! Antivirus 6 35 KB 5 files 0.002 secs

Utilities - Sandboxie 89,386 KB 809 files 0.299 secs


Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)

Internet Explorer - Temporary Internet Files 50,761 KB 1,877 files

Internet Explorer - History 72 KB 3 files

Internet Explorer - Cookies 267 KB 329 files

Internet Explorer - Index.dat files 80 KB 1 files

Windows Explorer - Thumbnail Cache 4 KB 1 files

Advanced - Old Prefetch data 319 KB 3 files

Multimedia - Adobe Flash Player 7 KB 60 files

ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (67.329 secs)

50.3 MB to be removed. (Approximate size)


Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)

Internet Explorer - Temporary Internet Files 50,761 KB 1,877 files

Internet Explorer - History 72 KB 3 files

Internet Explorer - Cookies 267 KB 329 files

Internet Explorer - Index.dat files 80 KB 1 files

Windows Explorer - Thumbnail Cache 4 KB 1 files

Advanced - Old Prefetch data 319 KB 3 files

Multimedia - Adobe Flash Player 7 KB 60 files

so you have 1877 temp IE files - are these the ones you are concerned about that keep on re-appearing?

it doesn't seem too many in my experience and can be accounted for by a few busy minutes using the browser.

all depends on what you do and where you go in IE.

can you run CC and remove them and run CC again and confirm they really are being removed.

then, according to your first post, if you stay out of your browser and run CC again, they come back?

how many ?

are you running any other browsers?

i can remove them and like i said before,i will run the cleaner and not go anywhere else on the computer and depending how long i am away from the computer will depend on how many more files i have,where are they coming from and to my knowledge i am not running another brower and how do i find out if i am ? thank you

click on Start, All Programs and look for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox - to name the main players.

but there are many more; Safari, PaleMoon, SeaMonkey, Comodo, Opera - too name some lesser players.

or look in Control Panel, Programs & Features.

Other browser don't show where you are seeing the same # of files so I really don t know where they're going with that. In ccleaner's settings there are options to clean only files older than 24 hours are they enabled or disabled?

i do have google chrome and safari and 71 others listed. i could not find the option to clean only files older than 24 hours.

i could not find the option to clean only files older than 24 hours.

CCleaner...options...advanced. Untick if it is ticked and try cleaning again.

it was unticked