Hi All,
I am trying to recover a lot of pictures from an SD card that was accidentally reformatted. Recuva scans the drive and finds all the files. I click recover, and give it a place off the drive to store the recovered files, the Operation complete window pops up and says that 0 files were recovered with the reason being that
"The wrong diskette is in the drive. Insert %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) into drive %1"
Any information leading the solving of this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Could you post more details. i.e. Operating System, and make of card reader.
Richard S.
The card reader is a SanDisk Micro SD to USB adapter and my OS is Win7 Home Premium 64-Bit.
A quick Google search for this error points to something related to recovering to a floppy drive instead of a hard drive, but that doesn't make any sense since I am recovering to my Hard Drive which has 600+ GB of free space, and can most certainly take 1.5+ GB of Pictures
Would it be possible to save the files to a USB Flash drive instead of using your hard drive??
Richard S.
I tried saving to a flash drive and received the same error. The flash drive is a 16GB SanDisk Cruzer Formatted FAT32 in case that helps.
Have you tried using a different usb port to plug your Scan Cruzer flash drive into?
Does your machine list the Cruzer in 'my computer'?
Googling "the wrong diskette is in the drive" win7 brings up a mass of hits and no absolute answer as far as I can see (I didn't open everything). Frequent words were Windows Defender, networks, shared drives and drive settings, with the odd chkdsk. It appears to be some OS setting that gives the problem. I should try a few and see if they correspond to your problem.