FIles Found But Recover Action Unsuccessful

I am attempting to recover deleted files from my memory card.

I ran Recuva in the advanced mode with no additional options - just a straight scan. It found 31 files and ignored 21 files in 0.13 seconds.

I selected all files and initiated Recovery. 2 files were immediately recovered and the time to recover the remaining files was listed as 18 hours. Cancelling the recover process and attempting to close Recuva was unsuccessful. I had to use Task Manager to end the program.

I checked for updates (I was good), made sure no other applications were open, then restarted Recuva. I ran it with the same parameters, selected 3 green files for recovery, and allowed it to run over night. When I checked it this morning, no files had been recovered and the estimated time for recovery was 5 days.

I uninstalled and reinstalled Recuva. Ran it with the same parameters and it found the same files in the same amount of time. I attempted to recover all files and this time got a different message: "Current progress: 0% 0 files recovered. Calculating time left ...? It stayed at this message for 10 minutes before I again had to use Task Manager to end the program.

I ran it again and selected 3 green files for recovery. Same result - "Current progress: 0% 0 files recovered. Calculating time left ..."

I have 254.4GB of free space, no other applications open, the CPU was running well, and the memory allocation was at 54%.

Any suggestions on how to get the recovery process to work.



I've got the exact same problem, i find the files im looking for but cant recover them :|

i tried an earlier version and everything worked fine, the files that recuva v.1.26.416 finds does recover the way they should even when found on a flash drive. but the problem with that version is that it doesn't find the files im looking for

ps. i couldn't find any version between v.1.26.416 and the newest version to download so e.g v.1.35 might work i cant know for sure

pss. the file im looking for is potentially evidence in a lawsuit

All previous versions of Recuva are here:

The single time I needed Recuva I got better results by changing the view mode in Options to "Tree View", and under "Actions\Recovering", checked "Restore Folder Structure".

This enabled me to target the files I was looking for in their actual locations.

That's the only experience I've had of using Recuva unfortunately.


I tried some of the older versions

e.g 1.35.472 and 1.30.435 witch none of them worked :(

i only get this problem when i try to recover files from a flash drive (microSD) everything seams to work properly when e.g recover a file from HDD

heres a screenshot when the loader gets stuck on 0%

the file i want to recover is in excellent state and has no overwritten cluster detected



I tried some of the older versions

e.g 1.35.472 and 1.30.435 witch none of them worked :(

i only get this problem when i try to recover files from a flash drive (microSD) everything seams to work properly when e.g recover a file from HDD

heres a screenshot when the loader gets stuck on 0%

the file i want to recover is in excellent state and has no overwritten cluster detected

It is possible that this is due to Windows 7 changing the default cluster size given to files, causing files who overlap a cluster to have trouble being recovered. They may have to update this to work properly for Windows 7.

well i tried on another computer witch has windows xp and the problem was exactly the same

If you're having no joy with Recuva, maybe try something else.

One of the other guys may still come up with something positive in the meantime, but it's worth a try.

"TestDisk" is worth looking at, but it isn't the easiest of tools to use, but it's free and there are detailed "how to's" on this page:

TestDisk: Undelete files from FAT:

Hope that helps.