Files Deleted When uninstalling CCleaner Trial


I downloaded the trial from this site (window 10, 32 bt) and when I went to uninstall via windows install manager the program that was opened to "uninstall CCleaner" started flashing a scrolling list of non-CCleaner files that it was deleted. Basically before I could stop what was going on (by shutting down windows) dozens of folders and hundreds of files were deleted. Files Deleted When uninstalling CCleaner Trial. I assume somehow the trail I downloaded got compromised? Any advice on how to restore the deleted folders/files? They were not moved to the recycling bin. Would the Recuva trail work to recover these files or is there an easier way?



I've flagged this for staff attention.

It may be best if you don't use that machine until you get a reply, that will give a better chance of restoring any files.

In the meantime it may help if you could you give more details of the Windows 10 version number, CCleaner version number, and any AV that you have installed.

Also if the deleted files were on your C: drive or elsewhere?

I do note that your Windows 10 is 32-bit.

I'm not sure if that is relevant but it may be.

Hi Nukecad and CCleaner team.

Just a but more details on this issue. I downloaded cccleaner on 5/28, the file name is ccsetup580 and cctrialsetup . I don't want to open it up again as not sure if it will start deleting files again so I don't know exact version. Here is my windows version info:

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home

Version    10.0.19041 Build 19041

Other OS Description     Not Available

OS Manufacturer    Microsoft Corporation

System Manufacturer    ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.

System Model    CM6870

System Type    x64-based PC

System SKU    SKU

Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3401 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)

BIOS Version/Date    American Megatrends Inc. 0708, 12/25/2012

SMBIOS Version    2.7

Embedded Controller Version    255.255


BaseBoard Manufacturer    ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.

BaseBoard Product    CM6870

BaseBoard Version    Rev X.0x