File's data could not be found on the disk


I have a Photoshop .psd file that was open when my computer's power cord was accidentally unplugged. Upon starting up again, my file had mysteriously vanished, and my computer ran a CHKDSK when I started up.

Using Recuva, it sniffs up my missing file, but says the "File's data could not be found on the disk." It's extremely puzzling to me, I don't know it could have happened when the file was saved on my drive. Is there any way to recover this file? I honestly just can't fathom how it can simply vanish after pulling the plug.

When you ran Recuva did you check Scan For Non-Deleted Files?

If no then what you are seeing is a deleted file (or one where the entry in the MFT is flagged as deleted). The only time I have seen this message on a deleted file is when the file size exceeds 4 gb. Files over 4 gb have their cluster addresses zeroed by NTFS on deletion, thus the data can't be found. How large is your psd file?

I don't know what state your file is in, whether it is still classed as live or deleted, or what state the cluster addresses are in.

Hi! My PSD was 22mb. It's really weird since I have also read about it not being able to find files over 4gb, but this was small. "Scan for non-deleted files" was unchecked when run.

Someone else told me that what happened is that my files were stored in the RAM and automatically deleted on reboot? I'm just going to assume I'm SOL.

Unless you can tell by date and size etc that the file you found was the file you were editing then I would assume that you're looking at a previously deleted copy.

Although I can't really see why the file should have been saved elsewhere I would run a scan with Scan For Non-Deleted Files checked, and look for .psd extensions or sort on size/date etc. It will only take a few secs more than the normal scan.

After that I would try a deep scan, and look for .psd extensions or sort on size/date etc. You can but try.