Files appear to Recovere but they dont show up on computer

I went through the whole process of recovering some photo files, but they aren't in the folder i recovered them to. I have also done a search of the hard drive by their file names and it comes up with nothing BUT the equivalent memory is now used on my PC which would indicate they have been copied / recovered successfully. Where have my files gone? What am I missing?


Recuva will only recover files to the folder that you selected in the "Browse for Folder" window of the recovery process; unless you have "Recover folder structure" option in Options > Actions selected, at which point it will instead put the files into subfolders based on their former position on the drive. (A more detailed explanation is available here: )

Did you receive a notice at the end of the recovery process saying that some or all files had not been recovered? In that case, that would suggest that the search results are correct and the drive space is instead being used by something else (updates, perhaps?). That would, unfortunately, also suggest that these files are not recoverable if so.

Alternately, you may wish to try looking for hidden files to see if, somehow, they were recovered in that manner. You can find out how to view hidden files in several versions of Windows here: