What's the best (and, importantly, the most user-friendly) file-sharing program?
There are plenty of file-sharing programs. And some have some advantages and some disadvantages. Some might be more powerful or better in a way, but less user-friendly. While some that is very user-friendly might not be all that powerful.
Wikipedia might give you some insight in P2P and P2P technology if you're interested;
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer
Personally I rarerly ever use any filesharing software, but when I do, it is mostly DC++ which is a free, open source DC (Direct Connect) client coded in C++ for Windows.
i'm not using it since p2p serves only to share cracks and other *hits (i don't support piracy!)! But when i used it it was WinMX but now he is turned off.... LimeWire is next choice (aldo people use it most for music)... If you just wana share files and download it in small application use utorrent (mi torrent):
the most user friendly would have to be Shareaza which can connect to 4 sepperate networks. but i don't use it much since i like BitTorrent better(Shareaza's BitTorrent capabilities suck). for BitTorrent, i recommend ?Torrent which should mean MicronTorrent due to it's incredible small size.
i'm not using it since p2p serves only to share cracks and other *hits (i don't support piracy!)! But when i used it it was WinMX but now he is turned off.... LimeWire is next choice (aldo people use it most for music)... If you just wana share files and download it in small application use utorrent (mi torrent):
P2P networks are not only used for "piracy".
that's true. a lot of open source applications such as OpenOffice and even commercial appliactions use p2p as a way of distrobution to conserve bandwidth
Yeah, BitTorrent is P2P, and it used by many companies to conserve bandwidth and distribute files.
It is not uncommon for .ISO files of example Linux distributions to be avaible via BitTorrent.
i agree with that but most files are cracks and patches for programs and ilegal mp3 music!
Most is not cracks and patches I believe. However, much of the data on P2P networks are material that may not be distributed due to Copyright law.
The law doesnt nescesary dictate what is right and wrong though, it mererly dictates what is allowed and what is not.
I use emule when I use a p2p. The important thing to remember is that you will get what you ask for {with luck} and a whole lot of grief you didn't ask for. Make sure you scan every download before you open them. The cracks and bad stuff are there, but only if you request them.
Perfect for music, as you can download an album in one go in a folder (seperate tracks - not all as one track together)