I purchased recuva and downloaded then ran it to scan because I only purchased it basically to find one single file that was deleted,
I am unable to recover the one file I need. Its a word document and it is my research project which is due on Saturday. Please help me recover it asap
What do you mean by unable to recover?
Did you find the deleted file?
Did you attempt to recover it and failed?
Didi you recover it and the contents were not what you expected?
How did you delete the file in the first place?
The file did not appear in the list of files that were recovered
I did not find he deleted file
I attempted to recover yes
Did not recover it
File was deleted when windows did an auto update overnight. File was saved and left open in word so that I can start working on it first thing in the morning now its completely gone
I purchased recuva professional simply to recover one deleted file - a research project I was working on but I ran the program but I still don't see it recovered. please I really need my file for school
You could try this link. The last step (Solution 4) worked for me !
That link is hardly relevant as it discusses correcting an undeleted file, not recovering a deleted file. Recuva does not alter one bit of the data it recovers, or more correctly copies.
Carmella, no software can guarantee to recover a deleted file, it depends entirely on the subsequent activity on the disk. If it is an SSD then forget any hopes of recovery. If it did not appear in the list of found files then it's likely that the entry in the MFT has been overwritten. You could try running a deep scan and looking for .doc or .docx files with a size close to the deleted file. If no file exists with the approx size then it is possible that the file is fragmented. If so it is not possible to recover fragmented files from a deep scan with Recuva.
Windows updates deleting user files seems very peculiar to me, perhaps someone with more knowledge on this can comment.
On 28/11/2019 at 16:02, Augeas said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Windows updates deleting user files seems very peculiar to me, perhaps someone with more knowledge on this can comment. </p> </div>
It has been known.
When 1809 was first released it deleted some user files in some very specific circumstances and so was pulled 3 days after launch.
The specific circumstances were if you had set up folder redirects from the standard Documents/Pictures/etc. folders, say to put them on drive ? instead of C:, and if you had left files still in those folders on C:, then the files left in those folders on ? were deleted by the 1809 update. (The files on ? were still there).
h<a href="ttps://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2018/10/09/updated-version-of-windows-10-october-2018-update-released-to-windows-insiders/" rel="external nofollow">ttps://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2018/10/09/updated-version-of-windows-10-october-2018-update-released-to-windows-insiders/</a>
Whilst I doubt that was the cause here it does show that Win 10 updates can do funny things if it comes across something non-standard.
Have you tried doing a search of the disc for the missing filename?
It may have just been moved. (Or you may have saved it somewhere you didnt mean to).
If you were working in Word then as long as it wasn't the first time you have saved that file it should have made a backup when you saved the file.
It will have the same filename but with the extension .wbk instead of .doc or .docx.
You can just change the .wbk to .doc or .docx to be able to open it again.
Those and other ideas for getting a lost word file back can be found here:
On 26/11/2019 at 22:05, Carmella Lawrence said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> I am unable to recover the one file I need. Its a word document and it is my research project which is due on Saturday. Please help me recover it asap </p> </div>
Did you try as a deep scan?