File doesn't exist?

I bought a new net-compuet and when I run the CCleaner (Windows) I get one file:

C:\documents and settings\Bob Tiger\local settings\temp\RtkBtMnt.exe 0.20MB

Everytime I "Run Cleaner" that file keeps returning. I cannot erase it.

I looked in the C;\document and settings\bob tiger\

and there is no "Local Settings" there.

Does anyone know what might be wrong here?

(I do notice that RealTek is on the computer (Realtek HD Audio Manager) but I don't even know what it is and don't even know if I need it.

My husband and I are new at this.


This is what it is:

CCleaner can't delete in-use files, unless it's something like IE's index.dat files. It would be a waste of time deleting that file anyways, since it would return on reboot. If CCleaner is giving any error about the file you can exclude it.

You're not seeing the Local Settings folder because it's hidden, to get into it do this:

  1. Click Start, Run.
  2. Copy and paste this in exactly as shown, including the quotes:

    “%userprofile%\local settings”

  3. Click OK and Windows Explorer will open the hidden folder revealing it's contents.

RealTek is the audio adapter and usually is part of the motherboard that provides system sounds.

Yes, it belongs to Realtek. But I don't know whether the file belongs in my Temp folder. Does it?

Somewhere on the web I saw:

"RtkBtMnt.EXE - File remaining from Realtek audio driver installation."

Now I wonder if the file can be deleted or it should be transferred into the RealTek folder?

I looked in the C;\document and settings\bob tiger\

and there is no "Local Settings" there.

I believe that it is a hidden Folder:

How to show hidden files in Windows

Have you done a Windows Update?

Have you installed the latest driver?