FF4 b11

Maybe it's just me, but has there ever been a software before that has publicly gone beta 11 times?

Haha, I know its strange but I rather have a perfect (well, nothing can be perfect) version 4 than something full of bugs.

Also, this article might be of some interest:


That's not the end of it - a beta 12 is also scheduled. And it might not be the last.

I can't help laughing at Mozilla's ridiculous roadmaps.

They are always late, yet they still insist on doing a precise roadmap. Can't they do it like Google or Microsoft and ship it "when it's ready" ?

Mozilla is scheduling FireFox 5 6 and 7 for 2011 too, allegedly.

Anyway, I'd rather them push out a truly finished product, rather than what's essentially a beta and fix all the bugs in a hotfix release.

Every Google was beta for a long time I'm sure it had plenty of public beta #s

Testing this out right now, blazing fast. Good work FF.

Completely off topic so I'll reprimand myself, but where have you been Corona?

I miss your unusual sense of humour. And I mean that in a nice way. :)

Also of note: Mozilla prefers Firefox be abbreviated "fx" over "ff"

There's documentation on it.. somewhere :lol:

Testing this out right now, blazing fast. Good work FF.

Correction: Testing this out right now, blazing fast. Good work FX (this just doesn't feel right).

Mozilla delays Firefox 4 Beta 12, option for Beta 13 on the table (ZDNet)


I wonder when Firefox Beta 14 is coming. :rolleyes:

Why? The answer is obvious....weeks before Firefox Beta 15


Completely off topic so I'll reprimand myself, but where have you been Corona?

I miss your unusual sense of humour. And I mean that in a nice way. :)

Thanks. :D I've moved (again) recently to a nearby town and have been having fun watching 2 feet of ice & snow try to melt in 20F weather.

Ever since I got a new PC with Win7/64 and MSE my pooter's been hunky dory, no problems, headaches or questions. (knocks on redwood tree)


My system apps list used to be 3 times as long on my old XP machine.

b12 is out.

b12 is out.

Now let's continue on Beta 13, 14, 15 and quite possibly, 16. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the heads up though Ishan. :D

Here is a count down if you want.


Firefox 4 beta 11,926,481 is set to be shipped sometime around July 27'th, 2027 :P

I guess a big chunk of it involves many thousands of the most popular add-ons trying their best to be compliant.

Firefox 4 beta 11,926,481 is set to be shipped sometime around July 27'th, 2027 :P

Oh blast, I'm going on my vacation then, so I'll miss that beta. When is beta 11,926,482 coming out? :lol:
