Maybe it's just me, but has there ever been a software before that has publicly gone beta 11 times?
Haha, I know its strange but I rather have a perfect (well, nothing can be perfect) version 4 than something full of bugs.
Also, this article might be of some interest:
That's not the end of it - a beta 12 is also scheduled. And it might not be the last.
I can't help laughing at Mozilla's ridiculous roadmaps.
They are always late, yet they still insist on doing a precise roadmap. Can't they do it like Google or Microsoft and ship it "when it's ready" ?
Mozilla is scheduling FireFox 5 6 and 7 for 2011 too, allegedly.
Anyway, I'd rather them push out a truly finished product, rather than what's essentially a beta and fix all the bugs in a hotfix release.
Every Google was beta for a long time I'm sure it had plenty of public beta #s
Testing this out right now, blazing fast. Good work FF.
Completely off topic so I'll reprimand myself, but where have you been Corona?
I miss your unusual sense of humour. And I mean that in a nice way.
Also of note: Mozilla prefers Firefox be abbreviated "fx" over "ff"
There's documentation on it.. somewhere
Testing this out right now, blazing fast. Good work FF.
Correction: Testing this out right now, blazing fast. Good work FX (this just doesn't feel right).
I wonder when Firefox Beta 14 is coming.
Why? The answer is obvious....weeks before Firefox Beta 15
Completely off topic so I'll reprimand myself, but where have you been Corona?
I miss your unusual sense of humour. And I mean that in a nice way.
Thanks. I've moved (again) recently to a nearby town and have been having fun watching 2 feet of ice & snow try to melt in 20F weather.
Ever since I got a new PC with Win7/64 and MSE my pooter's been hunky dory, no problems, headaches or questions. (knocks on redwood tree)
My system apps list used to be 3 times as long on my old XP machine.
b12 is out.
b12 is out.
Now let's continue on Beta 13, 14, 15 and quite possibly, 16.
Thanks for the heads up though Ishan.
Firefox 4 beta 11,926,481 is set to be shipped sometime around July 27'th, 2027
I guess a big chunk of it involves many thousands of the most popular add-ons trying their best to be compliant.
Firefox 4 beta 11,926,481 is set to be shipped sometime around July 27'th, 2027
Oh blast, I'm going on my vacation then, so I'll miss that beta. When is beta 11,926,482 coming out?