Feature to un-check StartUps from msconfig section

Would be nice to have a feature to un-Check some programs in Start-Up

These are the programs that appear in the Msconfig screen

and also appear in the Tray near our computer time/clock

I thought it could......

Start CCleaner,

Click tools,

Click startup,

Highlight an entry,

Click delete entry.

Yes it does "delete"

But I requested to 'Un-check' ,because we sometimes want to go back days or months later and place that check mark back on the program to startUp

I use this program to do exactly what your trying to do.

Startup control panel


I use this program to do exactly what your trying to do.

Startup control panel


Very Nice - Perfect- cool

I just took a look


thanks again


I'm going to read it closely now

- -

i use this:


I use MSAS.


AutoRuns is better ;)