First off all, Defraggler is cool! I just love CCleaner and Defraggler! (Didn't try the other 1, but that one looks great either)
I've got a USB flash drive (2GB), and its nearly full. There are many big files (over 30 MB) which are fragmented, and can't be defragmented because there's not enough free space. My idea was, that defraggler would 'cut and paste' those files to the hard disk so there'll be more space to defragment. Defraggler will then try to defragment the other files and make defragmented free space for the files that are on the hard disk. Then the files are changed back to the flash drive by defraggler.
With this function, it will save me a lot off time doing it manually. I once cut all the files, and pasted them on the hard disk, then cut and paste them back. It has the same result, but its much slower.
Of course there's the option to just cut and paste the files to the harddisk yourself, and then transfer them back when free space is defragmented. Problem with that, is that free space isn't always defragmented good enough. This system allows defraggler to know how much space must be available for the files.
I just wrote this while defragging my flash drive with the newest release (1.03.093) and I noticed a lot off improvement (I used 1.01 or something before).
I must tell that I am amazed, it defragmented my flash drive completely while there's 2% of free space! (Although it took a little long)
The new version is great, but this little option will improve the next release I hope
Edit: The subtitle should be changed to 'Copy files from USB to HDD too defrag faster'
You can actually "defrag" your USB by cutting ALL of the files off of it, then throwing them back on. The USB drive will become fully compacted and all extra fragments will be removed.
... But Flash drives are all solid state: there are no moving parts to move, hence no associated latencies, hence defragging won't improve performance. ...
This confirms what I've heard elsewhere: defragging a SSD will not improve performance. However, I've also heard that since defragging will move all the date together, and since SSD will support only a finite number of read/write operations, defragging SSD could conceivably reduce the life of the circuits.
So, unless proven otherwise, my Netbook (with two 16GB SSD's) will remain fragmented!