Favorite folders area of Outlook 2013, does ccleaner clear those?

Hello. Do any of the default options in ccleaner or the winapp2.ini settings when enabled clear the Favorites area of Outlook 2013? I noticed mine keeps emptying, not sure if it's a real problem or if maybe I turned something on in ccleaner I shouldn't have.

Winapp2 file is only supported in its thread, however I've never had either of those remove my favorites in OL2013. I'd start with the office (and office more*) entries

Thanks Nergal. It wouldn't surprise me if something was bunk with my Office 2013 install, but figured I'd ask in case it was obviously self-inflicted by me without knowing it.

In my copy of CCleaner I have Office 2010 unchecked in the Applications list, but CCleaner Pro removes my right-click list of recently-used files for Word and Excel every time I run it. How do I stop that?

also untick Recent Documents, Other Explorer MRU's and Taskbar Jump Lists.

if you want to preserve your recent Word docs, you'll probably want those others as well.

>>>also untick Recent Documents, Other Explorer MRU's and Taskbar Jump Lists.

if you want to preserve your recent Word docs, you'll probably want those others as well.<<<

Sounds good to me but where is it? :unsure:

all those options are on the initial screen when CC starts.

in the Windows tab, under the Windows Explorer section.