Family trust

Reading a magazine which suggested these two downloads for a small fee.

This one for retrieving your partners deleted text messages from their phones

This one for monitoring everything they do on the computer

wow, where did trust go!

Maybe that newspaper has some software partners and they want make money?

Or maybe they intentionally wanted to create some controversy...

Either way, I think that it sucks that people need spy family, friends, partners, etc...

A little creepy? :D

Getting caught spying = get dumped for being a psychopath.

Reading a magazine which suggested these two downloads for a small fee.

This one for retrieving your partners deleted text messages from their phones

This one for monitoring everything they do on the computer

wow, where did trust go!

my buddy put spyware like that on his computer at home and caught his wife (now ex) in an affair. was well worth the time/money/effort during the divorce proceedings.

Getting caught spying = get dumped for being a psychopath.

Wow! I have a new level of respect for you E. That's one of the best things you've ever said.

And I agree. @Hazelnut - you're right about the trust issue.

Elda, rules!! He says a lot of useful things!!

Elda, rules!! He says a lot of useful things!!

;) Sometimes. hehe j/k E! You know I love ya. :P