False advertising

If I get a noice that CCleaner can save 1.5 GB, I might think that is significant enough to interrupt my work and run CCleaner. After a long while of "analyzing" and "cleaning" CCleaner reports it has saved about 3MB. Sometimes less than 1MB. I have seen the "save x GB", closed everything, restarted my computer and ran CCleaner before anything else, and get the "saved xxx MB" instead of the 1.5 GB the notice said it could save.

This is very annoying. If it were going to save the x GB it would be worth the time, but since it didn't it was just a waste of my time.

Also, besides the annoyance Itry not to run it at all because when I do even though I have explicitly told it to leave my filezilla saved information alone it deletes my stored username and password for the only FTP site I use.

I have gone from "loving" to "kind of like" to "I'll run it if absolutely have to" and while I won't exactly un-install it I will turn off the notifications, since they are obvious lies.

1.5 GB is probably the average for most people. It all depends on your usage and settings you have. I have cleaned GB's on some computers I have worked on, again it depends on your usage.

So Paul your main issue is that CCleaner says it can save around 1.5 gig... but it never does.

It just saves a few MB's instead ?

Have you considered turning Smart Cleaning off and just cleaning manually when it suits you to do so?

I'm only guessing because I don't know just what Smart Cleaning counts, (never bothered to use it), in particular I don't know if it respects your checkbox settings when looking for junk or just looks for everything it can find.

So could most of that reported 1.5G be in categories that you have unchecked and so it doesn't get cleaned when you actually run the cleaner?

ie. It could save 1.5G - if you cleaned everything, - but your unchecked boxes tell it not to clean everything?

PS. Which version of CCleaner are you running? (It could make a difference to what it is finding, especially if it's an older version).

I think if I'm remember correctly it's supposed to honor the settings the user has selected. Otherwise it would be considered dangerous cleaning things a user didn't have selected.