So I just updated to the latest ccleaner and when I went to try to disable some things from startup that popped up from new updates/installs I got this error message failed to enable/disable startup item:access is denied.
Any suggestions how to fix it? oh and I'm on Windows 7 if it matters.
So I dug around other forums, got an idea. I knew it was something recent that had to have done it. Found it. Avast. New version I think is version 9. That breaks this function for ccleaner.
The same issue happens to me, and I think I can help because I know what causes it.
It happens when I click “Open in RegEdit...” on any “Startup” key in CCleaner.
Then Regedit opens and says something like the key can't be opened. And no matter what I do, since then I can't open the key unless I reboot (haven't tried it yet, but I guess and hope it will work OK if I reboot!). And also can't enable/disable or delete any key on Startup in CCleaner.
So the bug starts with that “Open in RegEdit” command...
Please, fix it! CCleaner is such a wonderful program...
Even with a reboot, the Run key has no other values than the default one, while CCleaner and msconfig show the startup keys. It also gives the acces denied error on CCleaner when trying to enable/disable or delete any startup key, even whithout hitting “Open in RegEdit”.
It happens on two different computers with Windows 7 (x64 Ultimate SP1), and using CCleaner v. 4.05.4250 and also the latest version (and I guess with all previous versions, really...).
I hope the Regedit didn't get corrupted...
This bug needs to be fixed soon! Should we post a bug report?
Yes, I'm using avast! Free Antivirus 2014, but when I open Regedit (CCleaner closed), even when the error popup message isn't displayed, I can't see any key on Run... :S
Never happened to me something like this when using CCleaner or Regedit. Maybe it's a bug on avast!, or maybe CCleaner is buggy on that Open in RegEdit command... :S I don't really know, but I'm glad I can help somehow reporting the problem. It's pretty annoying to be unable to manage startup keys... I don't like to mess with msconfig. That's why I use CCleaner, to avoid going to all the subkeys on Regedit.
Disabling avast! selfdefense module one can manage without a problem the keys in Startup, indeed. How it's possible that avast! selfdefense module affects all startup keys? :S It's nonsense, and that didn't happen in the past.
avast! is so buggy (or at least weird) lately, but I think CCleaner has some little bug with the issue as well...
Anyway, I hope the problem is solved soon, because I don't want to disable the selfdefense everytime... It's easier to go to the key in the Regedit directly...
Still love CCleaner and I hope it keeps as good or even better. Same goes for avast!, which lately isn't doing as good as it used to, even though it's still nice...
Best regards.
PS: The problem occurs on Windows 8.1 when using avast! as well.
I have avast! 9.0.2011 and the latest CCleaner and still can't do anything with the avast.ui startup key. I don't have any other program there (I keep my system superclean! ). I'll try it with another computer with avast! and Windows 8.1 (mine is Windows 7 SP1).
Avast is a nightmare. Just use security essentials if you have xp or seven or windows defender if you have windows 8. Much more lightweith on resources, and much mor problems free and it does the job perfectly.
Avast is a nightmare. Just use security essentials if you have xp or seven or windows defender if you have windows 8. Much more lightweith on resources, and much mor problems free and it does the job perfectly.
Really not that helpful in regards to the question ... just sayin'
Really not that helpful in regards to the question ... just sayin'
Ok. I am sorry. But, i wasnt trying to help in a "tecnical way", since everyone said that avast was the problem, i merely made a sugestion to quicky solve the problem.
Like when you cannot take coffe with sugar then you simply take it with sweetener....just sayin....