Facebook XMPP chat

I'm having a problem with Facebook's XMPP feature. I've been using it for years with no problem but now my buddy list isn't reliably showing up. Anyone else experiencing this?

When you say XMPP do you mean having a 3rd party client to chat on facebook with? I've been using the built in Windows 8 messenger app all day without problems.

seems to work for me in my pidgin clone

but their Jabber services are always a bit wonky

try to go to the website and log on (or off if already on) the chat at the bottom right

I'm getting this, too. Trillian is showing ~3 online friends at any given time, while Facebook.com is showing around 30.

yeah it seems sporadic at best. most times it doesn't show the list at all, sometimes I see a friend or two.

edit: I'm using Pidgin FWIW

Whatever issue there was seems to have been fixed