G'day, browser_version=115.0.21929.112 (Official Build (64-bit)) Windows 10 64 Bit (sadly, windows is basically Fukushima nuclear disaster) am trying to install an extension, Tab Session Manager, which is Chrome store, Edge, Vivaldi, Firefox, not in CCleaner Browser Add Ons, and in the Chrome store, doesn't provide option to install, just rubbish about opening chrome, install chrome. Other similar extensions in Chrome extensions has same option, open chrome - any advice as to a similar browser, or how to install?
Regarding tabs, CCleaner although not a limit to number of tabs, program tries to show them all at the top, means they get smaller and smaller, until you get to a point where new tabs then aren't shown at all, no way to move along and view like hmm, every other browser, can hover over and move left right, some browsers have an arrow option to move left or right - any advice with respect to this? If not, perhaps a potential fine tuning to the software going forwards?
Thanks for time, any advice, expertise, I appreciate it...