Exporte settings

Hi, my idea is the following..

Is possible to export some settings like this:

In section Option/Custom i can add/remove file & directory, but when I install a new version, I lose my settings and so I have to re-add every file/folder.

Instead, if you could import the old settings I would make it automatically

Sorry for my english.

Salutes from Italy

Just install over the old version and your settings won't change.

Ok, usually I unistall the old version and after I install the new version...


Ok, usually I unistall the old version and after I install the new version...


If installing over an old version doesnt remove the settings then that is sure that some file(s) are preserved. Ask CCleaner support or ask in forums about the file.

If installing over an old version doesnt remove the settings then that is sure that some file(s) are preserved. Ask CCleaner support or ask in forums about the file.

All files are overwritten, it just doesn't change the registry settings for it.

All files are overwritten, it just doesn't change the registry settings for it.

Ok..then export the registry key... I think it is :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options

You can use this from Start - Run :

reg export "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options" "C:\CCleaner settings.reg"

After uninstalling, double click C:\CCleaner settings.reg