Explorer-style File Listing

When files are listed in the "to be deleted" file box, all of the file data (path, name, size) are listed as one continuous string. This makes it impossible to sort (or find) files by type/extension, side, or any other criteria. I would therefore like the file listing to look and behave approximately like the file listing in Windows Explorer: list data by columns, allow the user to pick which and how many columns are displayed, allow sorting by click on the column headings, and allow select all (Control-A) and copy (Control-C) to work so the file list can be copied into other programs. I'm sure there are file listing controls and do everything needed, and you (developer) would just have to use that control in place of the straight text output you're currently using. Doesn't seem like it would be that big of a job, but the benefits to users would be great. Currently, no analysis of the files being deleted is possible, since the file listing cannot be treated as data.

CCleaner is a magnificant product. On behalf of all mankind, thank you thank thank you to the developers and the people who make it available.


"and allow select all (Control-A) and copy (Control-C) to work so the file list can be copied into other program"

No you cannot Control-A.

But you can select the top left corner, and drag down to the bottom right, then it is ready for copy (Control-C).

OR you simply right click on the list and it lets you choose the file name and folder for it to give you a list file.

Meanwhile I wait patiently for column selections.

I rate the most important requirement (because I think I might see it in my life time) is a very simple change of sequence.

The SIZE should be the first item, not the last.

I get quite dizzy zigzagging along the right hand end looking to see if any unexpected Gigabyte files are about to need a Recuva retrieval ! !

