Exlude index.dat & IE History

I want a portable version of CCleaner that won't remove the IE history or the index.dat. I know I can unselect the options in the application but I want to change the ccleaner.ini so that it excludes these automatically and won't allow the users to get rid of them.

I'm a little bit of a newbie at this and this information is probably in the forum but I am asking for some help with this. As this does not seem to be able to work.


UpdateKey=05/11/2011 08:57:44 AM


(App)Delete Index.dat files=False

ExcludeKey1=Path|%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat

ExcludeKey2=Path|%Default User%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat

ExcludeKey3=Path|%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History\*.*

Exclude4=PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\|*.*

Exclude5=PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\|*.*

Exclude6=PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\|*.*






(App)Tray Notifications Cache=False


(App)Recently Typed URLs=True

Index files are no longer removed they are vaccumed.

Why not just uncheck index.dats

Index files are no longer removed they are vaccumed.

Why not just uncheck index.dats

I have but I was looking for away to provide a failsafe incase someone decided to run this and new it could vaccum the index.dat files on their machine. I wanted to make the it so those would be excluded no matter what the end user tried to do.