Everything - Fantastic.
Cannot search FAT32, so I reformated my "Portable Tools" partition to NTFS so it could find everything.
TeraCopy - Fantastic.
I love the security of its verification, and that locked files do not cause a total abort of everything else like Windows Copy.
Dropbox - Never again ! !
My right Click Context menu became reluctant to appear,
and when it did appear it was fluttery like the wings of a Humming Bird,
and very difficult to select and click an option.
AutoRuns showed me that DropBox had snagged Explorer with 10 Entries.
I looked more closely at what Dropbox was doing, and was incensed by its audacity.
I had UNchecked the option to auto-start and that stopped its icon from appearing in the notification tray at start-up,
BUT NOW I discovered that every time the computer started a small non-human file was added to a Dropbox folder,
and the time stamp of the new file was exactly the time captured in the System Event log as the first event of the day, i.e.
"Microsoft ® Windows ® 5.01. 2600 Service Pack 3 Uniprocessor Free."
Dropbox was running against my express wishes as soon as (or even before) the P.C. came out of the BIOS,
which to me seems as intrusive and evil as a key logging/reporting rootkit.
Dropbox was good at what it did, but I hated the side effects.
I am not the master of my fate - but I intend to be master of my P.C.
AutoRuns easily stopped all the bad behavior,
but DropBox was only a Beta product so I did not know what further evils might lay ahead,
and I chose to un-install a file-sharing program that I could not trust.
My bad Beta experience was one year ago.
It may be better behaved by now - your mileage may vary ! !