Every one get Qnext

every one that has been looking for a light, easy to use, small, and powerful Instant messanger Switch to Qnext. I does Msn, Yahoo, Aim, And IRQ, you can alos get plugins so you haveIRC. This program is great can transer any file size but only with Qnext members. It runs off java and his very fast. My UID is 121349.

If any one else gets this program post you UID here. It is the Best!!!!

Link- http://www.qnext.com/

This is very good for people who like music and Viedos becuase it transfers any size. Some people have hundres of songs who are willing to send them to you. You can also transfer just singal files and entire folders!!1

does it have support for Jabber?

unforcantly not...

but if you want jabber get it plus some small jabber client. Also It is supposed to be getting jabber very soon. Just becuase it does not have jabber is not a good reason not to get it!!

i have too much friends on google talk so maybe in the future i will. for right now im sticking with Miranda IM

ok well if you haveany freinds that want asomehting with out jabber can you please tell them about it.

Also i found out that this proram can transfer files from 1mb to 10mb to your whole C: drive