ESRI Maps display with a fold

Hello All,

I am hoping for some help with the display of ESRI Maps. I will attempt to post some pictures but, there is a fold in these maps. Maps from Google are displayed with no issue. I have reached out to the IT for the County and we worked with ESRI to solve this but with no luck. We have updated the browser to its latest version, updated the drivers, ran a WebGL report, deleted all extensions, ensured my graphics card was compatible with ESRI and turned on Hardware Acceleration. Any assistance would be appreciated.


What does this have to do with ccleaner?

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Did you mean to post in the CCleaner Browser section?

Even if so it sounds like your issue is with the images from that website not with the browser yo are using,

Are they folded paper maps that have been scanned in?

That would be an issue for that website and isn’t something that tweaks to any browser would change.

If you have problem with the maps available on that website then look for a source that has better maps available.
Here in the UK when I need a map to download, say a large scale one for a planning permission application, I use: OS Data Hub

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Thank you for the response. That is my mistake, this is my first time asking for help here and I must’ve chosen the wrong section to put this in. We are talking about the browser.

They are digital, interactive maps like Google Maps but the U.S. Federal and our State and Local agencies use ESRI maps as the basemap. These maps work fine in regular Chrome and Edge.

I was unable to get the photos to work, I cannot post a link but hopefully this link works if you remove the spaces.

https :// imgur. com /a/1kN7dS5

I’ve moved this to the CCleaner Browser help section.

I’ll take a look at imgur later, when I’m back on a computer, (this new forum sucks on Android), but see my signature below about posting images.

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Thank you for your help. My noobie is showing and I cannot find your signature. I look forward to hearing what you come up with.

Sorry for that misdirection, it appears that since they changed the forum platform software ‘Show user signatures’ is off by default and each user has to enable it themselves in their own profiles.
(It should really be ON by default for all users and they can choose to turn it off, but it will need a forum admin to change that behaviour).

Until they do change it we now know not to refer to something that users can’t see by default.

If it had been turned on for all users then you would have seen this:

The link that i was referring to is this one:
Can’t post an Image or a Weblink? - click this

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Thank you for your continued help. I have gone up a trust level but am still unable to post an image. I have changed my profile picture and any other picture in my profile to be the pictures from the Imgur post. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help getting this issue resolved.

I see the image now so you obviously managed to post it.

Can you explain what you mean by ‘a fold’?
I can see that a big chunk of the image appears to be missing bottom left, is that what you mean?

It may be a resolution setting on your display.
Have you tried using a different browser?
This is what I get in Firefox when I open that url:

I’m also wondering if you are running onto an image processing limit somewhere.
I can zoom in and out of the image but the rendering does take a long time on this laptop, I assume that your graphics processor and CPU/RAM are better than my old laptop?

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Yes, the missing bit is what I am meaning by a “fold.”

I tried almost every resolution in the settings and there was no change.

As you discovered, it works in other browsers but I like CCleaner’s browser and would like to continue to use it. Using another browser was the solution from ESRI and the County as well. I was just hoping there was a way to make it work.

We have high end computers for drafting, the IT guy from the county had me check my graphics card and made sure it was updated. I do not think it is a hardware issue.

Sorry I don’t know what else to suggest.

I’m sure you are aware that some browsers have issues with certain websites, and vice-versa.
And that which doesn’t like what can change at any time.

I suppose that’s why while we all have our favourite browser we keep one or more others too - just in case.

Thank you for your help with this matter, I will come back if I ever get it working.