Error with Word 2007 after using CCleaner

Hi, I am using MS Office 2007 on XP SP2. After I installed CCleaner (v2.04.543), every time I close Word, it does re-open automatically once (this does not happen to any other MS Office program, only with Word and it did not happen with an earleir version of CCleaner I had before). After reparing Word, it works fine until I run CCleaner once.

Question: Which particular item I click-on the CCleanrer could I deactivate to get rid of this problem?

Thanks and regards

Try this:

1. Open CCleaner.

2. In the large Cleaner button click Applications.

3. Look under Applications, and untick any Microsoft Office references.

It "may" have something listed like Office 2007.

Thanks Andavari,

I followed your instructions, but I still get the same problem. I suspect it is related to the Registry. However, I would not know which selection within CCleaner creates that error by modifyin the Registry. If you have another idea / hint, I would appreciate. Best regards.

The only other ideal after disabling the Office 2007 cleaner in CCleaner would be to do a repair installation of Office 2007. Actually a repair installation is super easy, and really fast to do - so long as you have the original installation disc.

I actually do repair Office starting out from Word reguarly and from the original CR-ROM as well sometimes. However, every time I use CCleaner the first time after such repair operation, I get the same problem as described earlier. I wonder if this is happening to me only or if there are other users experiencing the same (or if it is not due to CCleanrer after all).