Error Running Under XP Limited User Account

Using CC 1.19.105 when fiddling with Options->Settings and then press OK, I - most of the time - see the following runtime error when using CC as a XP.SP2 Limited User:

Run-time error 26001: Failed to create Registry Key ... (see attached image).



I'll run a few tests and try to suppress the error message.

BTW, what skin are you using?

I'll run a few tests and try to suppress the error message.

BTW, what skin are you using?

Thanks for taking care of this annoyance. I otherwise really love this program. Can we expect support for OpenOffice some time in the future?

The skin is Longhorn Alternative VS, see for details.

Looks like that skin is no longer available to download :(

Can you PM me the file?

Looks like that skin is no longer available to download :(

Can you PM me the file?

Or post it please? I'm interested in it too. :D


I've just learned that Microsoft might have asked enhanced labs to refrain from distributing that theme (grab the corresponding thread on for further details). So, please understand that I will not post it here.

I've just learned that Microsoft might have asked enhanced labs to refrain from distributing that theme (grab the corresponding thread on for further details). So, please understand that I will not post it here.

You can still distribute it for some time. "Might have" does not mean that they indeed did.

I'll run a few tests and try to suppress the error message.

BTW, what skin are you using?

Thanks for the fix.