Error msg when giving full permission to CCleaner

When trying to give CCleaner full control of my device, I get the error message

Because an app is obscuring a permission request, Settings can't verify your response.

The device is a Lenovo tablet TB-8505, and the OS is Android 10.

Can somebody explain what to do? I've spent over an hour checking tablet settings, and searching online.

Thanks for your help!

Standard Android OS practice is to have the setting on the main Accessibility page, in "Downloaded Apps".

But some manufacturers customise Android on their devices, and so it may be somewhere else instead.

Samusing is one than customises it, I'm not sure about Lenovo?

Maybe a forum dealing with Lenovo tablets would be the place to look?

What setting are you speaking of, nukecad?

The Android app permission settings,

This seems to be equivalent to your tablet, although it says Android 6 in this article so it looks like yours has been updated to Android 10:

More on Android 10 permission settings: