Error Logs

I thought I would be a good idea if they was one location to put all the error logs.

Please add descriptions

ps. sorry if there is already forum topic of this.

Program crash after scanning a drive that contain large 'delete' files. (past 4 gb) some where even 10 or 11 gb. In case your wounding I use the drive to back up my computer.

error log:

*** *** ***

System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.40GHz, 2.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X

failed with error: 0

OtherInfo:CMainDlg::OBClBnSc-No files found, Failed to scan drive.

*** *** ***

System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.40GHz, 2.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X

failed with error: 0

OtherInfo:CMainDlg::OBClBnSc-No files found, Failed to scan drive.

Good idea, pjoshua5000, central location for errlogs. Here is my error log. I also made an entry in the "system hangs" topic.

*** *** ***

System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+, 1.9GB RAM, ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series

failed with error: 0

OtherInfo:CMainDlg::OBClBnSc- Failed to scan drive.

did your error logs not have a long long list of items attached? mine was super super long. :(

did your error logs not have a long long list of items attached? mine was super super long. :(

[removed for privacy reasons]

ok. i just thought that MrRon needed to know all of the files to help him out. my bad. will not send in the future.

did your error logs not have a long long list of items attached? mine was super super long. :(

no list of items, just the error log in earlier post. . .but scan didn't finish

Just installed and tried to run Recuva, but it terminates just as it completes a scan. I cannot locate an error log for Recuve - not even a folder where it would be.

Here's what I am seeing:


Clicking on the link for more info shows this:


Any ideas?




since update i've got same crash just as J-Mac

dunno why thou