Error 1606

Shouldn't CCleaner fix Error 1606 problems?

I have som Error 1606 problems regarding installing AutoCAD 2008 (which I've had on my computer before).

The last un-installation of AutoCAD 2008 was clearly not succesful, so therefore I get Error 1606 when I'm trying to install it again this time.

It has to do with the registry, and I thought CCleaner would fix what's wrong in there.

When I'm trying to install AutoCAD 2008 it already believes that the program are on my computer.

I have Windows Vista.

Any idea?


Have you read this Krisnord?;linkID=9240617

Also a thread here

Shouldn't CCleaner fix Error 1606 problems?

I have som Error 1606 problems regarding installing AutoCAD 2008 (which I've had on my computer before).

The last un-installation of AutoCAD 2008 was clearly not succesful, so therefore I get Error 1606 when I'm trying to install it again this time.

It has to do with the registry, and I thought CCleaner would fix what's wrong in there.

When I'm trying to install AutoCAD 2008 it already believes that the program are on my computer.

I have Windows Vista.

Any idea?


Hi Kristin,

Can tell us what the exact message is?

Have you done a "search" for AutoCAD on your PC?

You may try this if the Windows installer is used to install AutoCAD.

Windows Installer Clean-up utility

Then try your install again.

Exactly how are you using CCleaner in relation to this problem ?

:) davey

Yes, I've tried what the first link says, and everything is correct acording to it.

I've checked my registry and it's nothing wrong with it according to this solution.

The second link, doesn't it only refer to AutoCAD 2007 and Vista?

I have problems with 2008...

Hi Kristin,

Can tell us what the exact message is?

Have you done a "search" for AutoCAD on your PC?

You may try this if the Windows installer is used to install AutoCAD.

Windows Installer Clean-up utility

Then try your install again.

Exactly how are you using CCleaner in relation to this problem ?

:) davey

The error messages that I get are:

Error 1606. Could not access network location Autodesk\AutoCAD 2008\R17.1\enu\.

Fatal damage under installation:


I have also got the message that the program already are installed on my computer.

I've done a search for AutoCAD 2008 in my computer and in the registry. Everything should have been deleted/un-installed. I can't find anything that has to do with AutoCAD 2008.

I used the Windows Installer Clean-Up, but it didn't find any AutoCAD 2008 like in the control panel. AutoCAD 2008 is nowhere!

I'm using CCleaner becaus it says on the webpage:

Registry cleaner

Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... also comes with a comprehensive backup feature.

I thought the program would help...

The error messages that I get are:

Error 1606. Could not access network location Autodesk\AutoCAD 2008\R17.1\enu\.

Fatal damage under installation:


I have also got the message that the program already are installed on my computer.

I've done a search for AutoCAD 2008 in my computer and in the registry. Everything should have been deleted/un-installed. I can't find anything that has to do with AutoCAD 2008.

I used the Windows Installer Clean-Up, but it didn't find any AutoCAD 2008 like in the control panel. AutoCAD 2008 is nowhere!

I'm using CCleaner becaus it says on the webpage:

Registry cleaner

Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... also comes with a comprehensive backup feature.

I thought the program would help...

Check out this link related to your install problem.;linkID=9242018;linkID=9240617

CCleaner didn't find any issues ?

:) davey

And another similar link and possible fix here

Check out this link related to your install problem.;linkID=9242018;linkID=9240617

CCleaner didn't find any issues ?

:) davey

But it refers to Mechanical and Inventor. I'm not sure if AutoCAD 2008 has 32 and 64...

I found this related to the error with AutoCAD:

acad.msi: AdskExecuteSequence

This error message indicates that there was a failure during the installation. In most cases, this error message does not provide an accurate diagnosis of the installation problem.

CCleaner found a lot of issues. I've used it two days now, and it always find things. But clearly not this error.

I had for example a startup-error, and this is gone now thanks to CCleaner.

Have you tried the workaround in the link in post 7?

But it refers to Mechanical and Inventor. I'm not sure if AutoCAD 2008 has 32 and 64...

I found this related to the error with AutoCAD:

acad.msi: AdskExecuteSequence

This error message indicates that there was a failure during the installation. In most cases, this error message does not provide an accurate diagnosis of the installation problem.

CCleaner found a lot of issues. I've used it two days now, and it always find things. But clearly not this error.

I had for example a startup-error, and this is gone now thanks to CCleaner.

As far as CCleaner Registry issues is concerned , be sure to keep scanning for issues until no more are found.

CCleaner is not a Registry "fixer". It identifies certain inconsistencies and tells the user what they are and what it will do to "fix" the inconsistency.

I think Hazel's link to that workaround is probably your best chance to get AutoCAD 2008 installed. It is not the fact that the AutoCad 2008 is 32 bit or 64 bit. The problem is with the install program from Autodesk itself. Apparently it is trying to use the 64 bit installer instead of the 32 bit one that is needed.

You need some tech help from Autodesk itself to get this resolved. With a price tag like that there should be plenty of help. :P

:) davey

P.S. Make sure that you are downloading from the Autodesk official site and not some unauthorized site.Many unofficial sites exist and can not be relied upon to the be latest and "clean" version. You don't want to be designing something with "spyware" as part of the package do you? The official version may already have the install problem fixed.

I'd the same problem with Vista Ultimate and AutoCAD 2008, SEVERAL problems.

I've fixed this with adding the next registry entries (Copy & Paste to a txt file, replace the "@USERNAME@>>" string to your actual Windows account name, rename it to name.reg, and import into the Windows Registry):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]

"!Do not use this registry key"="Use the SHGetFolderPath or SHGetKnownFolderPath function instead"

"Local AppData"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Local"

"My Video"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\Videos"


"My Pictures"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\Pictures"



"NetHood"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Network Shortcuts"




"Start Menu"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu"

"My Music"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\Music"

"Programs"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs"


"CD Burning"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Burn\\Burn"

"PrintHood"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Printer Shortcuts"

"Startup"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"

"Administrative Tools"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Administrative Tools"


"Cache"="C:\\Users\\@USERNAME@\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Temporary Internet Files"



Good Luck!


Forum's on a Topic Resurrection Roll!

Mods - Delete the really old obsolete posts?

It's still relevant ishan I think.

Vista Ultimate and AutoCAD 2008 are not obsolete. Also it may help a googler searching for help with this problem.

audibrian >> Use %UserProfile% instead of C:\Users\@USERNAME@\, this works without having to change the username with your name ;)

Instead of C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming, you can use %AppData% and %LocalAppData% for C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local.