Er.. Question

okay well i love this program, and i use it all the time. but when i scan for issues i get tons. and i dont know if i should fix thekm or not. i dont want to do anything to my computer lol. like i seen stuff from old games i used to play and such and i dont know if i should clean it or not. help? lol sorry im a bit paranoid

okay well i love this program, and i use it all the time. but when i scan for issues i get tons. and i dont know if i should fix thekm or not. i dont want to do anything to my computer lol. like i seen stuff from old games i used to play and such and i dont know if i should clean it or not. help? lol sorry im a bit paranoid

Its up to you. CCleaner is pretty safe with its issues cleaner. Just clean them and make a backup when it prompts you, then if you have a problem just restore the backup. You could also be extra careful if you wanted and make a registry backup with ERUNT before running the issues cleaner.

It's always a bit worrying when you first use new software isn't it?

Fortunately CCleaner, when you do an "issues" scan and decide to fix, offers you the option of making a backup which you can save in "my documents" Then in the unlikely event of something going wrong, you just right-click on the backup reg file and choose merge. I personally have never had anything go wrong.

Lots more info here

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