"Entry Point Not Found"


I recently deleted somethings I'd like to recover. Found Recuva. Sounds great. I used the version that is portable. When I tried to run it in my computer though (after hitting recuva.exe) I got this:

"Recuva.exe - Entry Point Not Found"

"The procedure entry point GetProcessed could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"

There's an "OK" button I then have to hit to get rid of the message.

Anyone know what I need to do? If you are willing to explain in simple terms, I'd greatly appreciate it. (Maybe I copied it wrong?)


What operating system are you trying to use Recuva on?

Ok--let me show my ignorance here ... you mean like which version of DOS or Windows? --it's been years since I've been in a computer class. I downloaded your Speccy program if I did it right and can get it to work on my computer...thanks for responding.

What version of Windows is on the machine?

Is it XP? Does it have any service packs?

I'll check. It's old, I know that. Thanks.

OK. For the sake of others who may not know how to check, I went to the "My Computer" symbol and right-clicked, then clicked on "Properties"; that's how to find the operating system.

I have Microsoft Windows 2000, 5.00.2195; Service pack 4.

Well Recuva works on that operating system (bang goes that theory!)

You say..

I downloaded your Speccy program if I did it right and can get it to work on my computer..

are you saying it works for you but only after you click that ''Entry Point not Found'' error message away?

Talking right now only about the Recuva program (I found the info without using Speccy) - maybe I didn't copy the portable version right? Or maybe I don't have the right thing to unzip it? But when I think I've got Recuva about to go - I click the Recuva.exe and get that message - "Entry Point not found" etc. Any ideas on how to make it work? Thanks.

I actually deleted a program I'd like to recover (I had made notes in it) rather than reinstalling.

Oh - and just to clarify - I downloaded the Speccy program just in case I needed it to find the information about my operating system. Didn't use Speccy yet all. Just trying to see if I can get my program/notes back.

Have you downloaded and tried the latest Recuva version to see if it still happens?


The more stuff is downloaded or installed, or the more the pc is used at all, the less the chance is of recovering a particular file.

Has Recuva been unzipped to a new folder?

Are you executing recuva.exe or recuva64.exe?

You say that you deleted and want to recover 'program'. How was it deleted, with an uninstall? Installed/uninstalled programs are very difficult to recover successfully.

I don't know whether Win 2000 is still supported. The docs say so, but they aren't known for up-to-dateness.

Hazelnut--yes, I tried the latest version of Recuva. It still happens.

Augeas - I unzipped Recuva to a new folder. I tried it with both recuva.exe and recuva64.exe, not knowing for sure which to use. Got the same message with both. I deleted a program with uninstall. I was wondering if maybe my system is too old--or won't unzip things properly. I've never gotten this "dynamic link file KERNEL" message before on anything. I haven't used the computer much since I deleted it, to hopefully keep from writing over it in case it can be recovered.

Thank you both for your responses - any idea what I could try, or maybe what I did wrong (if anything) in trying to use Recuva?

Running a system file check might fix things otherwise I'm out of ideas for now.


(Note if you do run it there is a space after sfc and before the forward slash .....sfc /scannow)

A quick search on Google brings up

The error usually is an indication of a newer program/application (Flash or Reader) finding an older KERNEL32 file which doesn't work as the program expects.. Installing the latest service pack for your operating system or going back to an older version of the program should fix the issue.

amongst the many hits. So take your choice.

If you have uninstalled a program then the chances of using Recuva to 'reinstall' it are somewhere between none and zero. Perhaps it's time to worry about something else.

Thanks, both of you, for trying to find a solution, and for your time. It's good to know that with the odds of it helping to bring back the program with its notes being "somewhere between none and zero"--there's not much use in fiddling with it. Sounds like Recuva is useful for other things, though. Thanks again.

Recuva is intended to recover FILES,

it does not try to fix Registry KEYS.

If you delete a typical program that also uses the registry then even if Recuva OR ANY OTHER Recovery tool can rescue ALL of the files that constitute that program,

there may be access restrictions that prevent the files being copied back into locations such as C:\Windows\System32\

and perhaps the registry keys will not cooperate - especially if purged by using anything that cleans the registry.

Whoops - I just noticed in post #12

"I deleted a program with uninstall."

That indicates to me the registry keys were deleted by RevoUninstall (or similar) as part of the deletion.

Just as a follow-up:

Realizing I might as well try to load the software program again, as everything was likely lost and couldn't be retrieved, I did that. It is a Bible Explorer program, which had my notes, highlighting, and files I created. I had saved it as a backup on another part of the computer. (I had deleted the program itself off the computer.)

Expecting to start again from the beginning, I put the disk in, and added the program--which I had deleted--back again. When I did that, it somehow re-incorporated all the files and everything else in the backup file.

Voila! I got it back.

I don't know how it did this, or if Recuva somehow helped. But I am glad to know about it.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.

I don't know how it did this, or if Recuva somehow helped. But I am glad to know about it.

I know what happened - you prayed and that makes all the difference. :) :)