Endpoints and Registry Backups.

In trying to find out how to restore a registry backup. The guide says "Log on to the Endpoint as an Administrator" I'm sure I will think its obvious when I hear the answer but can someone please tell me in the context of ccleaner where or what the endpoint is. Is it the PC where the registry is or something more complex? Thanks

Yes, Endpoint is a term used in computer networking to refer to the device(s) at the 'end of the line'.

As a simple example think of a spoked wheel without a rim, the network server will be at the 'hub' (that's where the name comes from) and the endpoints will be the computers at the tip of the spokes.

It's more often used in these days of mobile computing to refer to any device that is outside of the corporate firewall.

eg. Mobile laptops that communicate with the company server over the internet.

Are you using CCleaner Network edition for business use? Because that is the guide that you are quoting from.

(If however you are using the home version then reg. backups will just be in your 'Documents' folder. To restore one simply Right-click on the .REG file you want to restore and select 'Merge').

Thanks. I am a home user with just one PC so I can do as you say. Just to add in explanation I did a clean and saved a backup of my registry then wondered how; if I ever needed to; would I restore it. So with no apparent indication within Ccleaner I google it and that's what came up. Thanks again

The documentation for the home version can be found here:


Some of it can be a bit old, (eg. no mention of Easy Clean), they are working on getting it up to date.