Running licenced v6.02 on W11pro. Certain application and services are listed as disabled un der Tools>Startup>Windows and >Windows Services. I want some of them enabled. I can click on them to enable, but at the next boot they won't start up and are back to not-enabled. Enabling them in Task Manager won't stick either.
What can I do?
2 hours ago, Sarcas said:
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Running licenced v6.02 on W11pro. Certain application and services are listed as disabled un der Tools>Startup>Windows and >Windows Services. I want some of them enabled. I can click on them to enable, but at the next boot they won't start up and are back to not-enabled. Enabling them in Task Manager won't stick either.
What can I do?
Hello @Sarcas, please send an email to our team at so they could have a look over your situation
I have the very same issue. Will email support.
Are you using the Performance Optimiser in CCleaner and it has put those programs to sleep?
Yup, it was Performance Optimizer…and now I look I can see a bundle of apps put to sleep. I’ll wake some up! ANd hopefully the problem evaporates.
Thanks for the nudge.