Empty registry keys Cleanup

I consistently get many registry keys that are empty or do not have file references in Windows Vista Home Premium. CCleaner does not remove these registry items. I am not sure why they occur but they should not be left after cleanup. Why are they left empty and why doesn't CCleaner remove them?


I consistently get many registry keys that are empty or do not have file references in Windows Vista Home Premium. CCleaner does not remove these registry items. I am not sure why they occur but they should not be left after cleanup. Why are they left empty and why doesn't CCleaner remove them?


Hello CactusRuss,

You old varmint!

Welcome to the forums. :D

You will find thousands of empty keys in the Registry.

Some person or program has to put them there. They are needed at different times for various purposes.

Any key can indicate sometning or it is just empty. No problems.

A missing key is usually an indicator or precursor to a "problem".

Windows and other software "register" these keys. The fact that they are empty at the time you look at them does not mean that tonight, tomorrow, next month-end that the key won't be used.

Yes, it would be nice if software companies removed these keys when you uninstall their products but they don't. Many other pieces of software may be looking for that key such as "add-on" software.

Basically it comes down to this. Empty keys equal no problem. Missing keys equal good chance of problems.

How many old keys you got around your place? You won't need them 'til you throw them out or lose them. :lol:

Best wishes,

:) davey P.S. There are a lot of old critters and critter lovers 'round here.


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