I have used Email tracking for a very long time. MSGTAG I have used on OE for over 10 years now and it works perfectly, telling me if my mails have been opened.
In the past two years I have also installed Bananatag and Signals by Hubspot as extensions with Chrome on my Gmail and Outlook.com Email accounts. they also work great.
There are of course a number of systems reasons why these tracking systems fail, but it is due to the recipients personally customized account and not the fault of the tracking programs. Failure to track does not occur very often, even to official sources like Government, military or police etc.
Personally I would never be without them. To know that my mail has been opened is of enormous satisfaction, otherwise you are left in limbo whether the mail even got through, or the recipient is conveniently ignoring it. I love trackers !
Snooping ? Intrusion of privacy ? Utter Nonsense ! It is perfectly legitimate and logical to use modern technology to signal that a message has been received.
Any comments /