Email Tracking in Gmail

I somehow acquired a tracking mechanism on my Gmail which had 2 send buttons (blue icons) - one send & track, the other send & don't track at bottom left of the screen.. There was also an outline icon representing an envelope at top right of the screen. Clicking on the latter at any time gave a list of sent & tracked emails with white backgrounds for 'unopened' and green for 'opened. with details around this.

About a week ago, this facility disappeared as fast as it appeared and as I was used to it to track emails, I was upset! I have searched about 20 other trackers but none look like the one I lost. They track every email and I don't want that. I (hopefully) attach my memory of what the send screen looked like plus an extract of the list of opened/unopened accessed via the envelope icon. Can anyone identify it? I have a feeling it was an extension which was removed - name something like Inmail or Inbox Gmail or similar.

I've removed a possibly dangerous attachment from the post above, please describe it if it is necessary or reupload as picture files.

My input was Powerpoint. How do I make it into 'picture files'? Here's a PDF version, in case that works.

That looks like a website that you access gmail from (possibly That's not really software related and was probably a beta feature google was trying. Can you confirm/dispute that you're talking about the website

Not sure where it came from - I may have said yes to an 'invite to try. but can anyone see the picture I posted in PPT and PDF. That will clinch it for anyone who has seen it/used it.

Like Nergal originally stated it's better to just post a picture in an actual picture format like .JPG, or .PNG. Even the PDF people won't like to mess around with and it's generally frowned upon to use such a file format to show a picture since PDF's are also an avenue for infections.

Here it is in JPG format. Terry Critchley


I'm afraid I removed your added image as it showed email addresses (one of which was yours)

Wasn't aware of that - I'll check and remove but they are part of the tracker output. Can I make them up, making them obviously false but indicative of output.?

Here it is de-emailed.

I hate to say it but can you just do a jpg attachment and not a jpg.pptx one.

Not many people would open a double named extension these days.

One more try and one of us mods will just have to close this topic. It's becoming a waste of time.

I've sent the final version already. in JPG form.

Black out the email addresses before you upload it.

There aren't any email addresses init. It just says 'email addresses here ....' to show what the output looks like.