Electronic Arts game Anthem is bricking Sony PlayStation 4 consoles
Allot of videos about it on YouTube, here's a search:
Electronic Arts game Anthem is bricking Sony PlayStation 4 consoles
Allot of videos about it on YouTube, here's a search:
Yea, I've been keeping track on this. At first EA said it was "just" looking into, but soon after they said EA and Sony are working together to try and solve it. From what I am hearing, a game can't just brick or crash a console like that. It's something between the game's coding and the firmware on the console. Sony will probably have to fix it with a firmware update.
Wouldn't be the the first time a game that EA published messed up PlayStation consoles though, years ago when Square/Enix was affiliated with them a Final Fantasy game was bricking PS3's and I was victim to that myself.
It would suck to lose a console to something like this. I've been playing quite a bit of Anthem by the way, not on PS4 though. I hope it's not bricking PC's as well. haha
I don't have the game and won't get it due to my disdain for anything EA. However if my PS4 locked up or crashed so hard it seemed bricked (multiple EA games over the years have caused that) I'd just take the hard disk out and format it on Windows, and then attempt to install the PS4 OS again.