Has anyone used Easy Cleaner by ToniArts? Is it safe to delete all the "bad" registry entries it finds?
Yes and yes.
Been using it for a very long time, and not had any real problems to date.
Only real problem I actually had was that Windows Help stopped working, as soon as Toni Helenius realised what he had done he released a fix for it.
That was a couple of years ago now though.
Cleans some stuff that CCleaner doesn't.
I use it, too. It's a good program, and quite easy to use (the name doesn't lie).
Stay away from its "Duplicates" scan, though. The program itself gives a warning that only advanced users should run that, and with good reason. You can mess things up pretty badly with that if you don't know what you're doing.
I just downloaded the program...good program easy to use etc...I did a Duplicate scan and it found Bytes: 821,141,727 Files: 5,248 Groups: 2520.
After reading what Greenknight said, I dont know what to do now how do you know which to get rid off.
leave duplicates its not safe
I also use EasyCleaner and have been for many years since the 1.x versions.
Like what has already been warned about don't use the Duplicates. Ignoring that button can save you from having to reinstall everything including Windows.
To make the EasyCleaner registry cleaner a bit "safer" than it already is input these entries to skip:
CCleaner, layout.ini, ntevt.log, servicepackcache, servicepackfiles, wbemsnmp.log, wmdm.log
I've used EasyCleaner on my machines for years but have almost always had a problem on a Win7 machine with Task Scheduler which opens with "The selected task {0} no longer exists". I run EasyCleaner and clean the Registry and delete 15 invalid keys. Rerunning Registry the 15 keys remain undeleted. None of the keys relate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree or HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tasks between which is a disparity that causes the "The selected task {0} no longer exists" problem. Will CCleaner fix this?
Post a new question about CCleaner in a new topic instead of resurrecting a 15 years old topic about another software that ironically is blacklisted in modern versions of Windows because it's incompatible.
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