That link leads to a Ustream live cam of a pair of eagles who are taking turns nesting 3 eggs. (It was 2 eggs a few days ago.)
It's located in Decorah, Iowa. They're nest top is 80 feet (25 meters?) up a tree. The nest top diameter is about 2 meters, the whole nest weighs 1.5 tons.
They've been adding to it for 5 years. Mulch, corn husks, small branches, large branches, cows, tractors, whatever they could carry. j/k
The area where they properly 'nest' is a lot smaller, you'll notice that as they carefully clamber in, tuck their beaks and waddle side to side to completely cover the eggs. It's pretty cute to watch that.
After dark falls they switch to an IR camera for night vision (B&W). If it sounds like a loud hum don't worry, that sound isn't on the eagle cams' end. They don't hear a thing.
Who's who...
The Dad is a bit smaller than the Mum. Around Dads' eyes it is mostly white. The Moms' eyes have a slim gray-ish color to the back and the front of her eyes.
The darker (dirtier) egg is the first one, the cleaner the egg the newer it is. Around the first week of April is when they're expected to hatch.
The nest is located on a fish hatchery that borders a stream below the tree and a nearby farm.
In the standard camera view you can see a strip of road and an occasional car drive by. Sometimes one of the camera guys will try to get close-ups and different views of the area.
There is a live chat to the right of the video which can be educational, but it's mostly kids asking the same questions over & over, and the occasional troll (as expected). I don't bother with it unless something weird happens on the cam.
I'm hooked on this pair of eagles. I feel like I know them as pets.