"Move over HD DVD and Blu-ray. Bell Labs spin-off InPhase Technologies and Hitachi Maxell are currently working on a computer disc about the size of a DVD that could hold up to sixty times the data. The companies hope to have the disc and compatible drives on the market by the end of next year."
Do you know how long it would take to burn a terabyte of data? It takes forever to burn a full dvd let alone a feaking terabyte. I would rather have a multiterabyte hard drive instead of a dvd.
Sounds very interesting and it will probably be rather expensive if/when commercially released to consumers. I'm wondering how much just one disc would cost. The thing that would be most interesting is being able to fit a whole music collection on one or a few discs, and imagine being able to fit a whole series spanning multiple years on one disc, that would be amazing.
Do you know how long it would take to burn a terabyte of data?
Right! Hopefully when it's released they'll be recordable at a higher speed. With current drive speeds DVDs do take forever to burn. Just don't make the mistake I did and accidentally buy 2.4x speed DVDs.
Ahh, this is interesting from the article it may answer the question about speed.
This technique would ultimately allow a single disc to hold up to 1.6 terabytes of data read at 160 megabits per second -- 340 times the capacity and 20 times the data rate of traditional DVDs
I saw where the BlueRay disk are about $35 bucks a pop MMM dont think so. Wounder how much the new drives are?
Blu-Ray, not BlueRay. Everything is expensive when it arrives, it will probably become cheaper with time. But Blu-Ray is bad, it imposes too much restriction upon the user.
Copy/Backup a Blu-Ray disc isnt something you can take for granted. Play the same Blu-Ray disc in another player than you first inserted it in, isnt something you can take for granted.
HD-DVD also place restrictions on its use, but atleast its supposed to allow you todo 1 copy/backup. Eitherway, both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray places too much restriction since they bow to RIAA and MPAA and that crap.
Dont buy them, hopefully they will never become a standard. Even if they would, you dont need buy them in the near future, since it will take many years for them to be common.
Hopefully HVD (Holographic Video Disk) which is BY FAR superior to both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, wont have any annoying restrictions.
As for now stick with your CD and DVD and invest in a 500 gigabyte harddisk.
Anyway do you honestly think there wont be a way to crack a blu-ray or HD-DVD? I give it a year at the most.(Look how fast dvd encryption was broken)
Also as long as they make the discs availabe in blanks and not cost a fortune people will use them.
Lastly sony screwed up there is no denying it, but they fixed their mistake. They worked with antispyware comapanies for a removal tool and recalled all the disks. What more can they do? The fact is that sony makes some of the best electronics products for anything from TVs to Stereos to MP3 players.
Sony fixed it? They said "what people dont know, wont hurt them". The removal tool didnt remove the rootkit, it just made it not hide itself. To be able to get the "remover" you had to sign out forms and include many information and the "remover" opened up other security holes for any website to be able to exploit.
CD was designed without copy protection in mind, hence it was no problem to copy it. DVD was designed with copy protection as an addiotional layer hence it made it more difficult to copy it. HD-DVD and Blu-Ray are probably designed from bottom-up with protection in mind making it extremely difficult to get around.
And the "High Definition" thing is just something they push so it can look like they're offering you something. Or do you actually think that you will notice any difference between DVD-quality and HD-quality?
And the "High Definition" thing is just something they push so it can look like they're offering you something. Or do you actually think that you will notice any difference between DVD-quality and HD-quality?
If you was to look carfully, you would see that the background quality of HD-quality is quite a bit better then DVD quality, but closer images/objects will be almost the same.
However, if they make these discs uncopyable, people simply won't use em.
Well only untill a way around it is found ofcourse, there always it, if it was disigned by humans, it can easyly be broken by humans.
Yeah, if you stand 1 inch from the TV with a magnyfieng glass looking at a still-picture. When you sit in your couch and looking at moving picture you wont notice anything at all. Also background quality is supposed to be more blurred not to take the attention from what is really happening in the foreground of the movie.
Yeah, if you stand 1 inch from the TV with a magnyfieng glass looking at a still-picture. When you sit in your couch and looking at moving picture you wont notice anything at all. Also background quality is supposed to be more blurred not to take the attention from what is really happening in the foreground of the movie.
Do you even have a high def tv? Because yes you can tell a difference between high def and non high def. I get a few channels of high def through direct tv and the quality of the picture is unbelievable.
Sometimes I think you just say somethings bad or aweful because you dont even know what it is.
Do you even have a high def tv? Because yes you can tell a difference between high def and non high def. I get a few channels of high def through direct tv and the quality of the picture is unbelievable.
Yep i fully agree, you can certainly see a different, i have seen high def and non high def running side by side before, once you see that, you will never look at normal TV shows/DVDs (nrmal def) in the same way again.
Its just like you would never look at a video in the same way after you saw DVD quality for the first time.