dvd shrink i/o device error

never have problems with shrink usually, but last night this error came up while ripping a dvd only 14 seconds into the analysing. (i/o device error)

The disc plays ok on tv and computer. It's a sony disc but a metallic bronze colour.

Any ideas why?

You say "The disc plays ok on tv and computer" does that mean Dvd Shrink completed ripping and it works?

You say "The disc plays ok on tv and computer" does that mean Dvd Shrink completed ripping and it works?

No, I meant that the disc I was trying to rip played ok on tv and computer.

It was as if shrink couldn't recognise it when it tried to analysed it. The name of the film didn't even appear in the drive just the letter. Could there be something in the disc to stop it being ripped I wondered, it was a fairly new one.

Could there be something in the disc to stop it being ripped I wondered, it was a fairly new one.

Possibly copy protected or a new form of copy protection. But then again commercial DVD's are copy protected anyway.

Try to use dvd decryptor instead.

No, I meant that the disc I was trying to rip played ok on tv and computer.

It was as if shrink couldn't recognise it when it tried to analysed it. The name of the film didn't even appear in the drive just the letter. Could there be something in the disc to stop it being ripped I wondered, it was a fairly new one.

In that case im 99% sure its a as Andavari said a form of protection that DVD Shrink cant bypass download DVD43 which should do the job of bypassing the protection.

First Andavari, I use decrypter in conjuction with shrink when (how shall I put this) copying a commercial dvd. I couldn't get past first base with this dvd.

Englishman, Have downloaded your suggestion, now a smilie on my taskbar. I take it there is no prog to run when using shrink and decrypter, this dvd43 just jumps in when it has to is that correct?


First Andavari, I use decrypter in conjuction with shrink when (how shall I put this) copying a commercial dvd. I couldn't get past first base with this dvd.

All I could think of was the copy protection that was blocking you, I personally have only tried DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink once using the Terminator 3 DVD and that's it, I completely gave up since the copy protection was what I'd call "too strong" or "undefeatable" however I could be wrong, and since I really have no experience ripping and/or encoding movies to the hard disk.

First Andavari, I use decrypter in conjuction with shrink when (how shall I put this) copying a commercial dvd. I couldn't get past first base with this dvd.

Englishman, Have downloaded your suggestion, now a smilie on my taskbar. I take it there is no prog to run when using shrink and decrypter, this dvd43 just jumps in when it has to is that correct?


Yes that's correct just make sure the little face is in your task bar then when you put in a dvd i should change accordingly i.e. a green smile means it has bypassed dvd protection and so on. Then just use dvd shrink as normal.