The type of damage the op is referring to is typically caused by installing then uninstalling some CD/DVD burning software or even software that installs CD/DVD burning support. During removal of such software it can hose your ability to burn discs, and in some cases read discs.
To my best knowledge of using CCleaner for six or so years it doesn't have the capability to cause that issue. Looking at Hazelnut's link to Microsoft support is possibly the answer, and there's also more Microsoft documentation about restoring the CD/DVD drive as it pertains to the upper filters and lower filters.
Thanks for the alrenatives, but i?ve already try them and they dont fix nothing, neither the upper/low filters values or the microsoft ??doctor??.
And i?m sure the problem was caused by ccleaner.In both cases , the problems just appeared when done a registry clean. Restoring the backup doesnt work.