I'm at work so I can't exactly remember, however, it's like "can't access NFTS file system etc....". This has only started since a couple of days ago when I booted in safe mode just to run some spyware and virus scans. I didn't have any problems, I just new that was a better way to check and had never run any scans in safe mode. I have no performance problems now either. Has this anything to do with starting in safe mode the other day and can I stop it or just ignore it? Only lasts like two seconds! Thank You!
You may need to run CHKDSK on your system, scan all hard drives just make sure you check both options in the GUI so that it can scan the disk surface. Depending upon the size of your disk(s) it can take several hours.
Please check this link, this is my problem (C Drive for me). Before I mess with my registry I would like to know if you all concur with the entry (the person does correct themselves from "software" to "system"). I've never edited my registry so I just want to be sure. Or, if after the cammand prompt method, will the registry rewrite itself? Thank You!
The info in the first reply by Wildcat is correct.
Just backup the whole Session Manager key to a .reg file like "Session Manager.reg" if you're unsure.
The /X he listed in the second post is to dismount/unmount a drive so that you don't have to reboot to run the scan, more simply put to check a locked drive that Windows isn't installed on the command would be this (dismounting won't work on drive C: if that's where Windows is installed):
chkdsk /x d:
Even on my system scheduling a CHKDSK won't work therefore I use this and then reboot (it can't however do a surface scan):
%windir%\system32\FSUTIL.exe DIRTY SET C:
To check other drives just change C: after DIRTY SET C: to the actual drive you want to check, for example to check drive D: it would be:
%windir%\system32\FSUTIL.exe DIRTY SET D:
To find out what the CHKDSK parameters are do the following:
Start a Command Prompt and type in: CHKDSK /?
...If your system is formatted with the NTFS file system I can post a batch file for you to run chkdsk. It will even automatically restart your computer and run chkdsk for you if errors are found on C:.
Please do Andavari and thank you!
I only need a small amount of info from you so that I can customize it for your system:
* What are your hard drive letters.
* What hard drive letter is Windows installed on.
* Verify that all your hard drives are formatted with the NTFS file system. If they aren't I'll have to remove the /V option to clean unused indexes.
It shouldn't take me but 30 seconds to modify the one I use and then post it. I'll check this thread tomorrow at some time, but right now I have to go lay down I think I'm getting the flu and I feel terrible.
Sorry to here you aren't feeling well and hope you feel better. Well, while my wife was watching Olympic ice skating I decided to have I try at the registry thing. The path was pretty self explanatory until it was time to find BootExecute value. I had to open several folders not listed in the directions. I eventually find it listed with many other files. Sure enough, I open it and there is "autocheck autochk *" and another similar entry above it with some extra symbols. I should have copied it but I do remember a "?" at the very end and there were other things like brackets toward the end also. I deleted it and rebooted and the two second "warning" is gone. I didn't actually try the error check yet. Anyway, how did that crazy value end up in there? I had been thinking I had actually removed something with one of my registry cleaners, however, that was more like there was something added.
Andavari, I just tried running it, same results. So I go back in the registry and there are two new entries. I delete them, paste "autocheck autochk *", then double check that it's there, try to run Error-checking, reboot and get the same message and it just continues to boot up normally, no scan disc. ugh!!!
Boot-time chkdsk "autochk" doesn't work on allot of systems. I don't know if it had something to do with installing SP2, or some other hotfix. It's broken on my system as well, however just use this to force it to run at boot-time create a shortcut with this in it:
%windir%\system32\FSUTIL.exe DIRTY SET C:
name it something like ChkDsk C on Startup
I tried editing my registry back when I found out it wouldn't run (Sept 2005), and nothing I did fixed it.
Andavari, I just tried running it, same results. So I go back in the registry and there are two new entries. I delete them, paste "autocheck autochk *", then double check that it's there, try to run Error-checking, reboot and get the same message and it just continues to boot up normally, no scan disc. ugh!!!
In addition to Andavari's suggestions can you look in your Event Viewer and get the Error Codes?
OK, here we go Andavari and thank you!
Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (build 2600)
2.80 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4
Local Drive Volumes
c: (NTFS on drive 0) 76.73 GB 67.22 GB free
Network Drives
None detected
Ok you only have drive C:\ correct?
The batch file is listed in the code below, just save it anywhere you wish and name it something like: Check Disk.bat
It will run chkdsk with the /V option to clear any unused indexes - which in themselves can be the cause of some errors.
@ECHO OFFECHO **********ECHO Check DiskECHO **********ECHO.ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------ECHO.CHKDSK.EXE /V C:ECHO.ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------ECHO.ECHO Information:ECHO Press any key on the keyboard to schedule aECHO Check Disk scan on drive C and to have theECHO computer reboot immediately to run the scan.ECHO.ECHO Note:ECHO * There's no reason to allow the scan to takeECHO place if no errors are listed in the reportECHO above for drive C.ECHO * If you don't want to run the scan immediatelyECHO just close this window by pressing the X inECHO the upper right to cancel the scan.ECHO.ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------ECHO.PAUSEECHO."%windir%\system32\FSUTIL.exe" DIRTY SET C:"%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe" -r -t 10 -c "The system will now restart to run Check Disk on drive C"ECHO.ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------ECHO.ECHO To abort the restart quickly press any key on the keyboard.ECHO.ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------ECHO.PAUSEECHO."%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe" -aEXIT
Andavari, problem solved (see link)!!! I had Spyware Doctor installed for over a year through my work license because we check our mails from home. The license had expired and our company was late in renewing it so I finally just removed it since it wasn't updating. We got it renewed a few weeks ago and I installed it. For some unknown reason, my pc didn't like this version. I uninstalled it last night and when I booted, scan disc started by itself, remembering I had attempted to do it I guess. Do you use SD and could this have happened to you also? Thank You again for all your help!
I don't use Spyware Doctor. ChkDsk refusing to run was either after I installed SP2, or from some other Windows Update which one I have no ideal because when I redid my system in Sept 05 I just let it download updates all night from MS Update while I slept.