Duplicate finder

My Duplicate Finder finds hundreds and hundreds of duplicate files. Some of them are shown as double duplicates, some of them as tripple duplicates and some even more. Must I select each of them seperately and leave only one or can I select all at once? If I have te select the duplicate files one by one I will be beusy for hours.

Please advise.


my advice is to not remove any of the "duplicate" files that are being found by cleaner, to just leave them alone.

In general, yes; the Duplicate File Finder includes very little in the way of automation because it can't do more than 'guess' as to what's a 'duplicate' and what's an 'original', as there's no difference to the computer.

Please do not delete duplicates in the Program Files, Program Files (x86), or Windows folders. Doing so is very likely to cause your programs or operating system not to work properly.

With that in mind, the Duplicate File Finder has a few functions that can help in selecting groups of files, such as right-clicking on a duplicate > Select Duplicates In. This will allow you to choose a part of its file tree to select duplicates within.

You can find more information on the Duplicate File Finder here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/articles/204950144

The ProgramData folder should also be left alone.

Many System Files and programme/application files do need duplicates in different folders to work properly.

I'm not sure about Ansys as you show in your screenshot but many design applications do have/need duplicate files in different folders (my AutoCad and NanoCad both do).

You should normally only use the Duplicate Finder to find duplicates of your own files - documents, photos, videos, music files, etc. and leave system/programme files alone.

If you set the following then Duplicate Folder will ignore the System files, and many programme/app files:
