Duplicate Finder just stopped working.

To wit, I created two folders on one drive: Folder1 and Folder2, then I copied the same file to both folders, then I pointed Duplicate Finder to both locations, hit Search and...

No joy. Where it was working, now it is not. That's about as basic I can get for troubleshooting. Any other suggestions?

Can you screenshot your Duplicate Finder settings?

That may give more info on what may be happening.






P.S. I also tried reinstalling CCleaner. Still no joy.

Hi @sweller I noticed how the size of the file is 38 KBs whereas you have configured the Duplicate Finder to "Ignore" files that are under 1 MB in size.

From within the "Ignore" area of the Duplicate Finder, can you please uncheck the "File size under" option to see if this will resolve the problem?

Well ... duh. That was it! I'm glad I posted those last screenshots and that it was such a simple solution.

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